Monday, 21 March 2011

My heart goes out to the people of Japan and Libya. Hang-in there, persevere, 疾风知劲草. Time changes things. It may even be 沧海桑田 … 阿.

Life depends on little decisions made at crossroads. This is the land of the dragon. I am glad that our homeland has done well in the past few years. It just needs to work on being more graceful; no littering, no spitting in public, no unruly behavior, more polite and courteous, etc.

In this Middle Kindom, I get to go behind-the-scenes to see how the technology company with the highest market-capitalization work to churn out the most popular electronics products in the world.

Let me tell you why I don't eat breakfast at 1st Restaurant anymore ...
* it is hard to describe but it is far from being a place you want to spend time, any more than necessary, in.
* the sunny-side-up is cold.
* the soya bean milk is "no big deal".
I just buy and take-away 2 meat baos (2 x 20 cents).

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