Saturday, 16 January 2010

上海浦东, 金藏路

I spent most of the last 2 weeks, since the Wednesday of 6th January, in 上海浦东, 金藏路.

My apartment was beautiful but very cold. I either stayed under the blanket or under the warm-air-blowing aircon (I pushed the sofa under the aircon). In fact, the office was much warmer and comfortable :-)

Another grouse about the apartment was the same breakfast every morning.

I’ve been to many other cold countries. In those places, it is warm once we step into any building, the whole building is heated. There in Shanghai, in any building, the lobby was cold, the corridor was cold, and the toilet was cold. It was amazing.

On the 2nd night, I stocked up on the ammunition required to last through the winter : Instant noodles, Instant coffee, Vit-C, Oranges, Throat lozenges, Lip-balm. Was my survival kit complete ?

Over the weekend, I visited 家乐福(金桥) and 莱佛士广场. I couldn’t catch any movie because 和平电影院 was full-house with Avatar fans. 莱佛士广场 and 和平电影院 are in 浦西, rather far. I took a taxi there and the Metro back.

I also visited an English pub called Jam twice. We drank and played pool, table-soccer, dices, …

My basic entertainment was still 围棋. 弈城 and TOM’s client servers both couldn’t work on my laptop. I was forced to play on Yahoo Go until I realized that KGS worked !

It started to get even colder on Sunday, with drizzles and mist. On Monday, it snowed ! On Tuesday, the wind cut to the bone. I felt the wind could blow through solid walls. I missed home and the warm sunshine beside the pool.

Most of the restaurants there were either 湘菜 or 川菜. I didn’t mind their spiciness but their taste was not really to my liking. I rather eat in roadside-shops. Normally, I try to eat less for dinner but I couldn’t afford to do it back there, else I’ll freeze-over.

Anyway, overall, it was another great experience !

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