Tuesday, 29 September 2009

The Animal Kingdom (170 words)

In the animal kingdom; everything is governed by the basic law of the jungle known as "Survival of the Fittest"; 优胜劣汰, 弱肉强食, 适者生存. The good will win and the bad will get eliminated. The weak will be eaten by the strong. Adapt and you will survive the competition.

The lion hunts and kill because he needs to survive. Whatever he kills, he eats on the spot.

There's no greed in the Animal Kingdom since money was never invented. The lion cannot keep the meat (in a refrigerator) for future consumption. Neither can he trade it for money or something else. Other that water, meat is the only thing he needs. PS : He needs to procreate to continue his genetic line, but that's another story.

So, do you want to live in the animal kingdom ? It may not have greed and other evils, but it may be too brutal and savage for the sophisticated human race …

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