Tuesday, 29 September 2009

my purpose in life

2007 World Youth Go Championship
1st Game - Singapore vs USA

A child of mine asked me what my purpose in life is. This question caught me by surprise. I thought about it for awhile and said : "to help all of you to succeed". He was satisfied with my answer.

I forgot to add “ … even if it means being naggy and unpopular.”.

Do you sometimes hesitate to do something due to shyness ?

Do you sometimes hesitate to do something due to shyness ? Don't !

The Animal Kingdom (170 words)

In the animal kingdom; everything is governed by the basic law of the jungle known as "Survival of the Fittest"; 优胜劣汰, 弱肉强食, 适者生存. The good will win and the bad will get eliminated. The weak will be eaten by the strong. Adapt and you will survive the competition.

The lion hunts and kill because he needs to survive. Whatever he kills, he eats on the spot.

There's no greed in the Animal Kingdom since money was never invented. The lion cannot keep the meat (in a refrigerator) for future consumption. Neither can he trade it for money or something else. Other that water, meat is the only thing he needs. PS : He needs to procreate to continue his genetic line, but that's another story.

So, do you want to live in the animal kingdom ? It may not have greed and other evils, but it may be too brutal and savage for the sophisticated human race …

Thursday, 24 September 2009

My Perspectives on Religions and Motivational Speeches (274 words)

Some things have their genuine and important purposes in our human society (as opposed to the Animal Kingdom). In the Animal Kingdom, there's no need for Religions and Motivational Speeches.

Religions are around to keep our morals in check. When we're away from our home country, our moral standards drops. When there’re no religions, we've no moral standards.

Motivational Speeches are around to motivate us to do things that make ourselves better human beings, whatever that may be.

People like to ask Tiger Woods (or Roger Federal, or Michael Phelps,) what is the secret of his success, and motivational-speakers will always be on the trot to quote Tiger's answers.

What do you think will be Tiger's answer ? You're right if you surely didn’t think Tiger will say "The secret of my success ? I am much more talented than all of you professional golfers out there, and I am luckier than you.".

Tiger said "The secret of my success ? It is hard work and more hard work.". Tiger is being rhetorical. He can't jeopardize his public image and ruin his career by saying anything else and appeared cocky, can he ?

There're loads of professional golfers out there who train harder and work hard than Tiger but are struggling just to make a living. The reality is this : Tiger is simply just much more talented that all the rest of the professional golfers !

So, do we still want to listen to motivational-speakers ? Yes. In spite of all this, hard work is better than no hard work. We cannot 守株待兔. Religion is better than no religion.

My Daughter (107 words)

My daughter has a wonderful name. At least, that's what I strongly think. A wonderful name for a wonderful girl.

She is very clever; proficient in many things like Gymnastics, Chinese Calligraphy, Swimming, Reading and Drawing. She'll also be very good in playing the guitar once she starts to learn it. I endeavor to give her the most challenging environment to bring out the best in her. I can't waste her potential.

She is a very strong-willed girl with a mind of her own. Although sometimes I hope I can have a bigger say in her mind, she is completely fine without me 

My wonderful daughter.

Sunday, 6 September 2009

A Philosophical Essay (397 words)

We want to do well in life and contribute to the world we arrived at.

Life is a long journey of learning through play and work. The more we learn, the more knowledgeable we become, and the more we can contribute to the world. A knowledge may be worth $1, it may be worth $1M, it may also be worth your life. Do you know what to say or do at the final question of "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" ? when you come face to face with a grisly bear ? when the pilot of the plane you're flying in suddenly has a heart-attack ? It is not an over-statement to say that knowledge is priceless.

The learning environment is the school and our friends in it. Challenging environments bring out the best in us. If your environment is a platoon, your potential is a Lieutenant. If your environment is a brigade, your potential is a General ! Therefore, please go to Harvard in Boston USA, Beijing University in China, Tokyo University in Japan, NUS Medical School in Singapore ,... In your journey of learning, find something you're #1 in. That's your niche.

How good or knowledgeable must we be ? The people around us set the standard.

"行行出状元". 行 refers to profession. 状元 is the title conferred to the person who was first in the imperial examination in old China. You can become a 状元 in any 行 you choose, just be the best.

Tiger Woods earn millions. However, many professional golfers who play against Tiger are struggling just to make a living. 古力 make millions. However, professional weiqi player 廖行文 is still training hard and waiting for his own big break.

Although you can become a millionaire if you are the best Fried Kway Teow hawker in the world, it is better to be the best doctor in the world. This is because even if your are not the best in your medical profession, you won't fair too badly.

The mind is a terrible thing to waste. You are intelligent. After thinking about what you want, channel your energy into it. "塞翁失马,焉知非福". However, we do not want to 失马 no matter what. Remember, you are our living legacy to the world.