Monday, 6 July 2009

Homosexuality (57 words)

I hope you’ll agree that it is an un-natural act. It is against the law in Singapore.

Although it is impossible to understand why some people partake in homosexual activities, I see no reason to actively prosecute them if they’re not hurting others.

We should tolerate people with different religious views as well as different sexual orientations.

Casinos in Singapore (146 words)

A necessary evil that we must face. The gains far out-weigh the dangers. The key is to manage and mitigate all potential harms.

Legalising casinos (Integrated Resorts) will bring profits to the hotel industry, the restaurant industry, the retail industry, and all forms of entertainment industry. The influx of tourists will create many jobs in Singapore.

Other than economic gains, another advantage of legalising casinos (Integrated Resorts) is it will drive out its illegal underground cousins.

An underground casino, just like any other underground vices, is impossible to regulate. Therefore, we'll not be able to manage criminal activities like frauds, loan-sharking, money-laundering, etc.

The harm of driving casinos underground may be many-fold. This is the reason the Singapore government has legalised some form of gambling like lotteries, horse-betting and sports-betting, in the past. For the same reason, they have also turned-a-blind-eye to the vice of Prostitution.